Doc_00 | Learning Goals Module 1
Learning Outcome One – Professional Development
To encourage a richer dialogue with students.
How to engage with students in a way that encourages a richer dialogue about the subject matter. And how to create opportunities for interaction while maintaining a level of hierarchy that fosters confidence in the students.
Learning Outcome Two – Pedagogical Competence
Workshop Structure
To improve the structure of workshop based, practical classes.
Many of my classes are practical and require the students to adopt a hands on approach to learning. I am interested in developing a solid structure for the workshops so that I can maintain engagement with the group as a whole.
Learning Outcome Three – Didactic Competence
Study Connection
To effectively connect my specialisation with the broader design programme.
Within the industry, my specialisation is a small part of a broad and varied fashion ecosystem. In an educational programme which is designed to reflect this industry the students do not immediately understand where it sits within. So I would like to develop lessons that more cohesively aligns with the work they are doing in other aspects of the programme.